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Change the Size of Very Dangerous Motorcycle Tires

Rosasiva  |  Otomotif  |  02 May 2018  |   4544 Views

Change the Size of Very Dangerous Motorcycle Tires

Otomotif  |  02 May 2018 Change the Size of Very Dangerous Motorcycle Tires

For the sake of the beauty of the bike, making the reason some people make modifications. Changing tire size is a modification that is often chosen by motorcycle users. Safety factors are often forgotten. Turning tires into smaller sizes than factory standards is one of the favorite modifiers.

With a smaller size, motorcycle owners should think twice. Moreover, the motorbike to be modified is a motor that is used for everyday life. Motorcycle manufacturers themselves have taken into account the safety and comfort of its users. The tire size of the manufacturer is usually adjusted to the dimensions of the motorcycle.

Scooter automatic motors for example, the standard size of the front is 80/99/14 and for the rear 90/90/14. While the standard duck motorcycle size for the front is 70/70/17 (2.50) and the rear is 80/90/17 (2.75).

While tires on motor sports or more commonly used racing activities are 45/90/17 to 80/90/17. Motorcycle manufacturers usually do not just give the size of the body, wheels and tires. All of them have been calculated by the right size factory for the favorite motorcycle. As with the drag race, which is only used on straight tracks, usually the motor is smaller and only the motorbike frame is highlighted.

Of course there will be many risks for motorbike riders using small tires. In addition to reducing comfort when driving, motorcycle tires will often leak because it is used every day.

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