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Flood Insurance Car Insurance Must Have In Your Vehicle Insurance Product

Rosasiva  |  Otomotif  |  05 February 2018  |   3820 Views

Flood Insurance Car Insurance Must Have In Your Vehicle Insurance Product

Otomotif  |  05 February 2018 Flood Insurance Car Insurance Must Have In Your Vehicle Insurance Product

The heavy and high rainfall in a few days made several rivers in Bogor overflow and floods ensued. On Monday 5 February 2018 when it was early in the morning there was rain with high intensity watering the city of Jakarta and its surroundings, resulting in flooding and breaking down the river, the Katulampa dam overflowed and as a result flooding soaked several areas of Jakarta and its surroundings.

In addition to houses in the area submerged, floods also submerged dozens of two-wheeled motorized vehicles and four-wheeled vehicles. Luxury cars are not a few victims of the floods. Many of the luxury cars are surrounded by brown flood waters typical of Jakarta's suburbs and often drown the bodies of those disadvantaged luxury cars. If so already, all parts of the car must be cleaned without exception, so that the car can be used again.

Now more and more insurance companies offer services for the protection of assets such as your car and home, some of the best insurance companies are examined before you decide to choose one of these insurance companies.

Having vehicle insurance really helps avoid you various risks and losses that arise during unexpected times, for example: such as floods that occur today around Kampung Melayu and most areas in DKI Jakarta or when disaster strikes to your favorite car and others.

It's good, if you already have car insurance hit by a flood when you first have a vehicle. You and all of us have never understood a disaster approaching and began to eat away at our finances slowly but painfully, that's for sure.

If the flood conditions hit you, all you can do is protect your vehicle with car insurance. Understand and make sure if your vehicle is equipped with protection against flooding. Observing is an obligation, all vehicle insurance policies must be well researched. At any time if your car is flooded, you get protection for the incident. That is the importance of car insurance being flooded.

Most people, such things may not be considered as possible. But imagine how much it costs to get out to repair your car soaked in floods. If you don't have a flood insurance product in your car or motorcycle insurance policy, you certainly don't feel light. Very draining the contents of the bag, your mind and your time, of course, if the flood insurance product is not owned by your vehicle, which has only been paid in installments in three months from a total of five years installments.

Because of that, understands how valuable your car is. as the trusted and best online car insurance always reminds carefully and compares the vehicle insurance policy that suits your needs and make sure that the car insurance is flooded as an extension of your vehicle insurance listed there.

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