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Not Cheap Cancer Treatment, Health Insurance The Answer

Rosasiva  |  Lifestyle and Health  |  03 February 2018  |   3960 Views

Not Cheap Cancer Treatment, Health Insurance The Answer

Lifestyle and Health  |  03 February 2018 Not Cheap Cancer Treatment, Health Insurance The Answer

Cancer is a very expensive disease. Because the cost of treatment is very important to take part in a health insurance program. Choose health insurance wisely and precisely, the tips below can help you and your relatives who are in cancer treatment

1. It's better not to delay and register immediately
Signing up as a healthier is cheaper and gives you and your relatives a high cost of risk for health.

2. Emergency Care and Claim System
Emergency rooms and hospitals including health insurance can be a good choice. Also check if you need a private or public care doctor before you get emergency treatment. Ideally insurance claims match the bill amount. Look for insurance products that can provide double claims to avoid the risk of over ceiling that cannot be claimed in the insurance company.

3. Find Insurance Without Plus Investment and Have Additional Services
Insurance is a business that prioritizes protection. Because of this if you want to get maximum protection, just take insurance and avoid being tempted by insurance plus investment. If there are additional services, consider. Additional services meant for example mental health care, alcohol rehabilitation, counseling, and so forth.

Cancer is a disease where anyone can be attacked and need to know BPJS does not cover all the costs of cancer treatment. Not cheap cancer treatment makes you and your relatives have an obligation to prepare more funds for health. By following the insurance program, it makes good action. Understand the early detection of cancer is very important to be well aware. Understand, avoid following insurance waiting when sick. We recommend that you like the tips above, include yourself and your family with life and health insurance while healthy.

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