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Insurance Claims Hampered? Maybe this is one of them ..

Gilang  |  General  |  30 November 2017  |   4429 Views

Insurance Claims Hampered? Maybe this is one of them ..

General  |  30 November 2017 Insurance Claims Hampered? Maybe this is one of them ..

Insurance claims process sometimes does not take place smoothly between insurance companies and the customer. This can make the claim process stunted. Errors can occur from the customer so that the insurer difficult to process claims. Some of the mistakes that customers often make to prevent the replacement of claims from insurance as below:

Insurance Claims are Late
Be sure to have received information clearly, especially insurance premium insurance, claims procedures and exclusions. Each insurance policy of an insurance company has their respective policies regarding the maximum amount of claims reporting. If you report a claim for a loss incurred 3 months ago, a claim may be rejected due to a collision by the insurance company's rules. So should any losses, immediately contact the insurance to get a maximum claim replacement.

Information Must Be Explicitly Spoken
As a party to the loss, we will be asked by the insurance to tell the chronology of the losses experienced. Information requested by the insurer should be submitted in a straightforward and decisive manner. Do not cover up or afraid of something so that information loss you experience may be considered odd. Details and honest should be told to the insurer immediately process the report provided.

Increase the amount of loss
The insurer will survey the losses incurred. Providing correct information about the losses incurred as well as the amount of loss is mandatory. do not add the amount of loss for fear the insurer will rate lower than reported.

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